Explore our Practice Areas
Business Litigation / Family Law & Matrimonial / Landlord & Tenant
Business Litigation
We handle commercial disputes for individual and corporate plaintiffs and defendants throughout New York City, in state and federal courts at trial and appellate levels, in arbitration forums, and before agency and regulatory bodies at all levels of government.
Our time-tested philosophy is that aggressive and proactive discovery produces favorable results for our clients. We prepare cases vigorously and try cases frequently.
Family Law & Matrimonial
Our attorneys fight for our rights in all aspect of family law and matrimonial, including child custody and visitation rights, child support, the distribution of personal property, bank accounts, stocks and other assets, the division of marital debts, the sale or possession of the martial home, and spousal support and temporary support.
When litigation becomes necessary, a strong litigator can protect your rights during your divorce. The Law Office of Noy S. Kruvi zealously prepares for trial and fights to protect your rights at every stage of the adversarial litigation process.
Landlord & Tenant
The Law Office of Noy S. Kruvi zealously represents both landlords and tenants in eviction proceedings, in the residential as well as commercial contexts.
Each party to a lease has contractually obligated duties to the other side. It is at the breakdown of the landlord - tenant relationship that our attorneys step in, ready to efficiently solve the complicated problems that arise when things go wrong.